

Poll Tie Breaker:Head2Head- Justin Timberlake V Chris Brown


Wednesday 16 April 2008

Head To Head

I decided to introduce a new feature to the blog..head to head...where 2 artists face off!! FIGGHHHTT!!!!! lol

So..Britney and Christina..Christina and Britney. They have always been compared and have had a supposed rivalry. My question is who did the "I'm now grown up and hot so its okay to wanna nail me" thing better??? In my opinion Christina wins hands down..and will always win hands down over Britney..but this is the closest Brit has ever been to beating Christina..both songs rock and i will let you decide who is best ;)

Britney Slave 4 ya can't get any water..whatta ya do?? ya dance like your a sex godess thats what ya do!! the first verse explains what she's tryna prove "all you people look at me like i'm a little girl well did ya ever think it'd be okay for me to step into this world?"..."so in this video Britney dances suggestivly and huffs and puffs in a very sexual manner whilst surronded by hot sweaty men,"i'm grown up y'all"

Slave 4 U:

Christina Aguilera Dirrty: So Christina decides that she wants to be treated like a serious what does she do?? She comes up with the nickname X-tina,puts on some chaps and dry humps loads of hot sweaty men..and women. Oh and dont forget the mud wrestling in a shower room, christina fighting with another woman and her girating in front of the camera,this video is so "Dirrty" MTV cencored it!!

Dirrty fr Redman:

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